Two light traffic roads were built near the railway last year. They both start near the railway bridge at Riia street. One goes near railway to Elva, another one – near the railway to Põlva. Let's check out how the roads came out.

We checked a new light traffic road in Annelinn a couple of weeks ago. If in Annelinn street furniture is yellow and urbanistic, then here it is different and in black color.

This os good, that different solutions are used in different places in the city. It brings variety.
Also public space elements of black color are used more often during the last years.

Like in Annelinn, bike pumps are placed near the road.

Like in Annelinn, bike repairment instruments are stolen from there.

The road is entirely covered with asphalt. That's because the road is very functional and is needed to drive by bike to the downtown as quickly as possible.

But some people use it for walking.

There are very less places for public activities near the road.

But for some it's enough.

Some bike roads are on the same level with car road and is separated with concrete stones.

Generally it is a good solution – cheap and functional. It could be used more often.
If no concrete stones are installed, it goes like that:

It's not understandable why twnty meters of road is not separated with the stones.
Landscaping is modest.

Some trees are put to grow.

According to the plan the traffic should go like that:

But this is obvious, that the traffic will not work like that.
There are no official crossings over the car roads.

At Aardla street the traffic is heavy.

Did you like the road? Were you driving there? Write about your emotions at our facebook page.
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