A new biking season has started. A new light traffic road was built to Annelinn last year. It starts near Turu bridge, goes via whole Annelinn and ends at Mõisavahe street. Let's have a look how it came out.

In huge part the road is common for pedestrians and cyclists.
The benches and trash cans are proudly yellow.

Sometimes a different covering is used for bikes and pedestrians' roads.

You can see here a very good and a very bad solution.

Good solution - the bike road is isolated from pedestrians with boulders.

The bad news is - the cyclists will not use the road as well. There are three rises, lowerings and curves in 50 meters. It's easier to use the cars' road.
There are strange solutions on the other side of the road as well.

And here too:

Let's have a look how good bike road looks like (the picture is made in the Netherlands).

Bike road is physically isolated from pedestriand and cars. No rises, lowerings, curves nor curbs. Everything is intuitively understandable.
Back to Annelinn.

There are many attractions near the road.

Some benches are covered.

There are bike pumps and repair tools near some resting points.

All they are broken.

Many crossings with cars' roads and rised.

There are traffic lights at the crossing with Kaunase puiestee.

Quality of the work is generally good.

In conclusion - the road is designed mainly correctly. But there are some faults.

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